Pharma and Research

Ethical and transparent use of data to create value and deliver positive outcomes for individuals, patients, healthcare organisations, and society as a whole across research, healthcare, and wellness.

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Unlocking the future of research today

The technology exists to enable improved research design, enhance real-world evidence and move towards precision medicine while ensuring greater transparency and trust. enables organisations to engage individuals and liberate personal data to unblock today's challenges.

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Research design

Engaging citizens in their data and research opens up opportunities for new and more sustainable research models including DCTs (decentralised clinical trials), with remote monitoring and passive data collection.

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Cohort building

Improve your ability to build quality cohorts by leveraging personal data to enhance the recruitment and screening process, better matching individuals to trials.

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Real-world trial data

Utilise a range of personal data sources including medical records to underpin your research and add value with additional sources, to identify new signals and trends, from passively gathered data.

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Post-market surveillance

Gather richer wider and more accurate data to inform the assessment of products and devices, and identify and respond to improvement opportunities and emerging safety signals more rapidly.

Case Studies

The study’s goal was understand how to prevent chronic disease through lifestyle and behavioural changes. was a “beautiful solution” which enabled participants to share their facebook data directly with researchers. The approach was approved by the independent ethics review board.

Case Study : Harvard Nursing Study is working with pharma including the likes of Amgen to explore the role of patient centric data in research, looking at the data landscape and exploring the practical issues and challenges when it comes to the adoption, conducting pilots with real world patients and data.

Case Study : Patient Centricity in Pharma

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